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Skyline Cranes is regularly invited to take part in a variety of conferences and leading events in the real estate industry while at the same time emphasizing the promotion and development of activities of professional value to the industry.
You are invited to take a look at the news and past activities and join us for the upcoming events held by Skyline.

July 9, 2022

he reporter Forat Nassar tries to understand from Aviv Carmel, Skyline Co-General Manager, the reason for the delay in integrating technologies that can halt the surge of accidents in the construction sector. What is holding back the use of the Skyline Cockpit or of a crane specifically designated for a crowded urban environment.

Dec 20, 2024

As urban renewal accelerates globally, Skyline is at the forefront with innovative solutions for dense, high-rise construction. From the Skyline Feeder—an independent system for efficiently delivering building materials to any floor—to external and internal climbing crane systems and battery solutions for tower cranes, our technology and methods are making urban construction faster, safer, and smarter than ever before.

Skysign’s next-generation screens

Dec 20, 2024

SkySign’s next-generation tower crane screens are setting a new standard for safety and innovation. With unparalleled control, dynamic content capabilities, and global certification, they’re making construction sites smarter and more effective.

Skyline Cockpit Innovation Award

Dec 20, 2024

Skyline Cockpit is helping crane operations 33 storeys above ground on Winvic’s high-rise project in Birmingham, UK. Our technology delivers precision, efficiency, and safety—all from a distance.
It’s been a game-changing year: from earning the Technology Innovation Award to making headlines across the UK, we’re just starting.

כתבה על סקייליין
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July 9, 2022

The reporter Forat Nassar tries to understand from Aviv Carmel, Skyline Co-General Manager, the reason for the delay in integrating technologies that can halt the surge of accidents in the construction sector. What is holding back the use of the Skyline Cockpit or of a crane specifically designated for a crowded urban environment.

July 6, 2022

Skyline joined the recently established Association of Tower Crane Companies, which aims to establish regulations in the sector and mainly to improve safety in light of the spate of accidents in the construction sector.
כתבה ב N12 על skyline
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The N12 news channel describes the Skyline Cockpit – the latest word in 21 st century technology! Combining innovative technology, an advanced camera system and sophisticated sensors, the Skyline Cockpit enables, for the first time, remote command and control of the crane and of the entire construction site activity

May 30, 2021

Skyline joined the recently established Association of Tower Crane Companies, which aims to establish regulations in the sector and mainly to improve safety in light of the spate of accidents in the construction sector.

May 13, 2021

Skyline Cranes was invited to participate in a highly prestigious and professional conference in Nice, France. The company will present, for the first time ever in the world, the remote operation from abroad of a tower crane in Israel.

Jan 15, 2021

Aviv Carmel, joint manager of Skyline Cranes and CEO of Skyline Cockpit, sheds light on the subject of remote control and control of tower cranes, in one of the most prestigious and professional journals in the global crane and construction industry, International Cranes and Specialized Transport

March 8, 2018

Following recent crane collapses the construction sector is rife with rumors about the intention of the regulatory agencies to set an age limit for tower cranes in the aim of reducing the number of accidents in which cranes are involved.

March 8, 2018

The crane is a key piece of equipment in almost every construction site. However, operating a crane in winter poses difficult challenges to the on-site teams. According to the Israel Institute for Occupational Safety and Hygiene, more than 70 percent of the accidents are caused when rigging or moving the load. Furthermore, it is imperative to verify that the crane operator follows the maintenance instructions provided by the crane manufacturer

November 12, 2018

The prize for the leading project in Israel in the innovation field was awarded to Skyline by the Israeli Association of Construction & Infrastructure Engineering and the Association of Engineers and Architects in Israel, selected by more than 1,200 persons of impact in the engineering and construction field.

November 12, 2018

The innovative tower crane technology arrived in Israel in recent years and easily climbs skyscrapers in leading projects in Israel. Aviv Carmel, Co-General Manager of Skyline Cranes & Technologies, and Victor Rubino, a manager at ADR Cranes, discuss YONGMAO’s innovative tower cranes and the creative methods and solutions that lead to entirely different construction times.

November 12, 2014

Cranes are in fact machines used to hoist heavy loads that are beyond the weight-bearing capacity of human beings and to transport them to any place in the construction site, within the limitations defined and for which they were built.

June 12, 2018

Evening cranes on the bar


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